13 Nov

Congratulations to our Fall 17′ “Unbreakable Upsilons” Upsilon Class!

A big thank you to everyone that came to give a warm welcome to the newest brothers of our eternal brotherhood: The “Unbreakable Upsilons” Upsilon Class!

#92 Royce “ArmaDa” Lee | Big Brother: #66 Chao Li Ang
#93 Kane “BLITZ” Gui | Big Brother: #68 Bryan Dang
#94 Maxwell “PuLse” Hou | Big Brother: #75 Ian Poe-Yamagata
#95 William “ImperieX” Ju | Big Brother: #71 Jas O’Chern
#96 Yangyang “raiden” Cao | Big Brother: #69 Brian Yang
#97 Jason “zephyr” Chiang | Big Brother: #77 Jeff Zhao

We are incredibly proud of the six of you and how much you’ve grown throughout this semester. We can’t wait for the big things you all will accomplish in the future as brothers who will carry our letters proudly, and as men of Honor, Virtue, and Brotherhood.
A shout out and congratulations to our New Member Educator, Kevin Tran, as well as our Program Assistants, Vardhan Mehan and Justin Wu! Also, thank you and congratulations to the bigs for picking up!
PC: John Pham – Thank you John for taking photos for us!

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